18.7.2024 - Daily Update

Today I (SLundq) made some solid progress after our planning period. Our main character is going to be called "Rin." She is outgoing, though calm under pressure (I'll save more details for the future). While I was able to get her idle animation done yesterday, I finished her walk cycle today. In addition, I started making some progress on some level design, getting a solid feel for the art direction of the player's first experience with our JRPG. We don't have a solid name for this project yet, but that will hopefully come soon. Yasuzume, on the other hand, continued coding our battle system and some basic frameworks for our project in addition to expanding on character lore and exposition. In addition he has made progress on a dialogue system, which will resemble a system in games like Celeste, for example.

-- SLundq

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